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SAT School Day
SAT School Day Exam
Oxford Area High School will be offering the SAT exam to interested juniors and seniors on the morning of Thursday, March 27th. Detailed information is below and on the attached flyer.
**NEW THIS SCHOOL YEAR** - the attached SAT Permission form is needed along with the payment to register students for the SAT School Day exam. The payment and permission form must be turned in together to the guidance office.
Who: 11th and 12th grade students
Where: Oxford Area H.S.
Cost: $60 Cash or check (to see if you qualify for the reduced price, please contact Mrs. Auch MAuch@oxfordasd.org) . Checks can be made out to Oxford Area High School
This SAT exam will be limited to the first 100 students that submit the payment and permission form. Students MUST turn in their payment and permission form to the high school guidance office to hold their spot for the test. The deadline is Thursday, February 13, 2025 to turn the payment and permission form in. The guidance office is open Monday-Friday 7:30am-3:00pm.
If you have any questions, you can email Mrs. Williams at JWilliams@oxfordasd.org