- Jordan Bank Kindergarten Center
- Attendance Information
Studies have shown that students with a high rate of absences demonstrate lower academic performance and increased anxiety about school. It is also challenging for students who miss a lot of school to make positive connections at school and to feel successful. Poor attendance in school, even as early as elementary school, has been shown to contribute to student’s failing to complete high school. On the other hand, consistent attendance can lead to positive work ethic, increased confidence, and future employability. This is certainly what we want for your student.
Just a few quick reminders:
- Students should be in class no later than 8:35 am each morning. Students arriving after 8:40 am must report with their parent to the office to sign in.
- Students must be in school by 10:30 am to be counted as tardy, arriving after would be considered ABSENT for the day.
- Notes are required for each absence and must be turned into the teacher or office within 3 days of your child’s return.
- Doctor’s notes will be required after 3 consecutive days of absence, when your child has accumulated 10 days absent of school, and at the discretion of the administrator.
- This should be done at least one week in advance for the principal’s approval and teacher planning.
- Early dismissal notes are required and should be brought to the office before homeroom.
Please refer to School Board Policies 5150 and 5160. If you have any questions or concerns, please call the office at 610-932-6625.