- Jordan Bank Kindergarten Center
- Welcome
Welcome to the Jordan Bank Health Room
Melissa Ludwig
Phone: 610-932-6628
Fax: 610-932-6662
Email: mludwig@oxfordasd.org
See below for attachments to health forms and local area resources. Please forward all completed medical information to my attention at Jordan Bank or contact me with any questions. We look forward to sharing the interest of keeping your child healthy.
Immunization laws in the State of PA require all students entering kindergarten to have the vaccines listed on the flyer by the first day of kindergarten or risk exclusion.
Immunization flyer | Folleto de inmunización
Immunization Clinics
Vaccinations are available at: Las vacunas están disponibles en:
- Your health care provider – Su proveedor de atención médica
- Chester County Health Department – Departmento de Salud del Condado de Chester
- CVIM (Community Volunteers in Medicine) – (Voluntarios de la Comundidad en Medicina)
- LCH (Life Changes Here) – LCH (La Communidad Hispana)
The Pennsylvania School Health Code requires all students in the kindergarten to have a physical examination on file in each student’s school health record.
The Pennsylvania School Health Code requires that all students in kindergarten have a dental examination on file in each student’s school health record.
Health History/Emergency Contact
All student must have a current Emergency Form/Health Update signed by a parent or guardian on file in the health room. This form is required in order to be treated by the nurse, except in the case of an emergency. These forms must be updated yearly. Please contact the school office if any of your information changes throughout the school year.
Body Mass Index (BMI) Screening