- Oxford Area School District
- Overview
The Centers for Disease Control has updated its guidance for isolation and quarantine for COVID-19. Guidance for COVID-19 has been revised to include general recommendations for all respiratory illnesses, such as flu and RSV.
Recommendations for isolation for students/staff infected with COVID-19:
- Students/staff can return to school when, for at least 24 hours, both are true:
- Symptoms are getting better overall and
- There is no sign of fever (without the use of fever-reducing medication)
- If students/staff have no symptoms or fever but test positive, they can return to school immediately.
- Upon return, students and staff should take added precautions for at least 5 days, such as masking. Additional examples include:
- Respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette
- Distancing
- Testing (taking an antigen test can help individuals know how likely they are to spread the virus)
- Increasing fresh air in the classroom, using portable HEPA filters, or taking other steps for cleaner air
- Graphics on this CDC website illustrate potential scenarios for those who are infected to return to school.
Recommendations for persons exposed to COVID-19
- There are no longer specific testing and masking recommendations for individuals exposed to a person with COVID-19.
- If students/ staff have been exposed and do not have symptoms, they can take added precautions such as masking or testing, as they see fit.
- If an exposed individual becomes symptomatic or tests positive, follow the guidance for isolation.
General information about infectious diseases can be found in our Infectious Disease Guide Toolkit for Schools and Early Learning Centers.