  • Hello! Welcome back to the 2024 school year!  We hope everyone is off to a great start!  We have attached information about our up-coming events, fundraisers, and meetings. 

    We are looking to increase participation in the PTO.  Everyone is part of the PTO!  In order for our activities for the students to continue, we need volunteers!  All parents and teachers are encouraged to be active members of our PTO.  Our first meeting will be Thursday, September 19th at 7 PM at the High School main office.  We look forward to seeing you there!

    We have posted information on the OASD webpage as well.  If you go to and click on resources for parents and students, the drop-down option is the PTO.  We will try to keep the information updated through the school year.

    We also plan to send home hard copies of the tentative calendar with your students over the next week or so. 

    If you need to get in contact with the PTO Board, please reach out to us at 

    PTO Tentative Calendar for 2024 – 2025 School Year:

    Spirit Wear Orders:

    Click on the link below to place your order for Spirit Wear.


    Joe Corb’s Fundraiser

    Our Joe Corbi’s fundraiser begins September 9th.  The catalogs will be sent home with all students this up-coming week. 

    Please consider participating, as it is one of our largest fundraisers.  Bonus!  You get some awesome food!

    Fundraising Programs

    We look forward to seeing everyone at the first meeting on Thursday, September 19th.  We are presently looking for volunteers to help with providing dinner for the teachers at the first parent/teacher conference cycle. We will discuss the details at the next meeting.  If you are interested in helping, you can get started by clicking the link to sign-up through Sign-Up Genius.


    Thank you for your support!  The Oxford Area School District PTO