• English Books


     English Language Arts


    The District designed a comprehensive K-12 English Language Arts (ELA) Program that provides a vertical alignment and consistent approach to instruction in English Language Arts for all students. The process used to develop the ELA curriculum followed the district model for curriculum analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation that was developed in 2013. This model involves each grade representative K-12, together with the administration in a committee format, to develop and maintain ongoing professional oversight of the ELA curriculum, making committee recommendations to the district. Resources for the ELA instruction are both digital and hard copy.

    The current textbook series used to support the district's curriculum  K-5, published by Savvas is myView Literacy. Grades 6-12 textbook series supporting the district curriculum is Savvas Literature . Each of these series has multiple digital supporting resources for the student, the teacher, and the parent.

    If you have any questions about accessing the resources to support your child in ELA, contact your child's teacher or building principal for a comprehensive list of resources. If you have further questions, contact the assistant superintendent.