• Winter Recess Guidelines & Dress Code

    Please send your child to school properly dressed to participate in outdoor recess. We suggest warm coats, hats, gloves and/or scarves. Please write your child’s name in each clothing item! Our lost and found is always full of items this time of year!!

    The National Nurses’ Association has established the following guidelines for outdoor recess during the winter months.

    *Feels like 25 degrees and above (considers wind chill factor)
    – Outdoor recess (coats, hats, long pants)

    *Feels like 16 – 25 degrees (considers wind chill factor)
    – Abbreviated Outdoor Recess to 5 or 10 minutes

    *Feels like 15 degrees or below (considers wind chill factor)
    – Inside Recess To access the current local temperature including wind chill…

    1) Type www.weather.com
    2) Type in your zip code (19363)
    3) Look at the current temperature for Oxford
    4) Looks right below that current temperature to get the “Feels Like” temp
    5) That’s the temperature that we will use to determine outdoor recess.