• Nottingham Elementary Envirothon Coaches 2024:

    Briana Zembruski - bzembruski@oxfordasd.org

    Karen Randall - krandall@oxfordasd.org

    Starting January 2025, Envirothon team members will meet after school Tuesday and Thursday from 3:15pm - 4:50pm 

    Envirothon is an environmental competition started in 1979 between public and private schools. Students compete at a county level, a state level and a North American level. Elementary and Middle School students only compete at the county level.

    The Chester County Envirothon competition is part of the Pennsylvania Envirothon Program, which helps students understand the natural environment and their role in it. The Envirothon program provides a means for students to demonstrate what they know about the environment. It is a cumulative process that addresses the learning levels of awareness, knowledge, attitudes, and application. Students who participate in Envirothon will demonstrate an understanding of environmental concepts, of how human activity impacts the environment, and of how people can work together as partners in conservation practices to enhance their lives and quality of life by protecting the environment.

    Teamwork and studying is expected. Students compete at Hibernia Park in the Spring with other Chester County schools.