AM and PM Dismissal Information


    *8:10AM - Main Entrance Front and Side Doors ONLY open for School Breakfast Program (For any students participating in the School Breakfast Program).

    *Note: For student safety, please DO NOT drop off or send students to school prior to the doors being opened at 8:10am.

    *Student walkers may enter in Front entrance; Car Rider Student drop off: PLEASE use Side Entrance (by cafeteria) to School. Please avoid dropping off at front entrance as this is used for busses.

    8:20AM - Student Car Rider Drop-Off: please use side/cafeteria entrance to the school. Please DO NOT drop off students on the street or Front Main Entrance. Front entrance is for students using bus transportation ONLY.

    Once you drop off your child at the side/cafeteria entrance doors, you should continue to Garfield Street and turn RIGHT onto Garfield Street.

    8:20AM - AM Bus Arrival - Front Main Entrance

    PM Dismissal and Car Rider Information

    We are requesting that if you plan to pick up your child from school, at any time during the school year, (including early dismissals) please fill out the electronic car rider form.  In an effort to improve efficiency and safety of the car rider dismissal, the dismissal procedures listed below will be followed.  We ask for your cooperation so that dismissal runs smooth and safely.  

    If you are picking up your child at the normal school dismissal......(note please allow for additional time during the first week of school)

    1- Cars should enter from Garfield Street to the side Parking Lot (Nottingham Cafeteria).   As you pull in the parking lot, please make sure your Hornet Car Rider Placard is visible (placed in the front, driver side windshield) so the staff member can clearly see the name of your child.  Once you pick up your child please proceed to Garfield Street and Turn RIGHT onto Garfield Street. 

    2-The School Resource Office and/or Staff Member will direct you to the student pick up area where your child will be waiting.  Please do not get out of your vehicle as this is a drive through car line.

    NOTE: Anyone who arrives to pick up a child must have a school issued placard.  If you do not have a school issued placard, the staff member will direct you to park your vehicle, where someone will assist you.

      School Aerial Map -  Arrival - Dismissal 

    Nottingham Hornet Car Riders,  Walkers and Bus Dismissal Times:

    3:20PM- Grade 3-4 Car Riders Dismissed to Cafeteria 

    3:20PM - Walkers dismissed and supervised to cross walk on Garfield Street.

    3:20PM - Bus Dismissal (1st Wave) - Front of Building 

    3:30PM-  Bus Dismissal (2nd Wave) -  Front of Building

    3:40PM - Bus Dismissal (3rd Wave) -  Front of Building

    Car Rider Dismissal Form

     We are encouraging parents/guardians to fill out the Car Rider Electronic Dismissal Form prior to August 26.