- Hopewell Elementary School
- Hopewell Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Hopewell AM and PM Dismissal Information
AM Drop Off Times and Locations
*8:10AM - Main Entrance Doors open for School Breakfast.
*Note: For student safety, please do not drop off or send students to school prior to the doors being opened at 8:10am.
8:20AM - Student Car Rider Drop-Off (for students not having breakfast);
8:20AM - Grade 5 & 6 Car Riders are dropped-off at the Front Main Entrance Doors
8:20AM - AM Bus Arrival – Back Entrance (Nottingham side of the building)
8:40AM – Students must be in their homeroom or are considered tardy
PM Dismissal and Car Rider Information
If you plan to pick up your child from school, at any time during the school year, (including early dismissals) please complete the Absence/Tardy/Dismissal Note with parent signature and return to Hopewell’s main office. You may also email Ms. Billings at lbillings@oxfordasd.org.
Absence/Tardy/Dismissal Form
To improve efficiency and safety of the car rider dismissal, the dismissal procedures listed below will be followed. We ask for your cooperation so that dismissal runs smooth and safely.
If you are picking up your child at the normal school dismissal:
Cars should form a car line in front of the main entrance. Grade 5 parents form car line closest to the building. Grade 6 parents form car line in the second row of the parking lot. (see link to map below)
Hopewell School Aerial Map with Dismissal Information and Traffic Patterns
For the safety of the students, all students must be picked up in the car lines at the Hopewell building. Students may not walk to another place on the school campus to be picked up.
Hopewell Car Riders, Walkers and Bus Dismissal Times:
3:15PM - Walkers are dismissed from the Front Main Entrance Doors
3:17PM - Grade 5 Car Riders are dismissed from the Front Main Entrance Doors and get picked up in the car line in the first row of the parking lot closest to the building
3:17PM - Grade 6 Car Riders are dismissed from the Front Main Entrance Doors and get picked up in the car line in the second row of parking lot
3:20PM - Bus Dismissal (1st Bussers) - Back of Building
3:25PM - Bus Dismissal (2nd Bussers) - Back of Building
3:30PM - Bus Dismissal (3rd Bussers) - Back of Building