• Gifted/ATP

    The Academically Talented Program (ATP) provides services to our identified gifted learners.  These students require additional rigor and challenge that goes beyond the grade level curriculum.  Gifted learners process information differently.  Our program works to keep this population engaged and enthused about learning, while pushing them to persevere toward set goals.

    The purpose of ATP is to help our gifted students develop the following:
    - Higher level thinking skills
    - Tools for self-directed learning
    - Creative thinking
    - Positive self-concept
    - Interpersonal relationships that stimulate leadership and risk-taking

    The Academically Talented Program at the elementary level has two main components:
    1. Pull-out Enrichment
    2. Push-in/Co-teaching to support challenging activities in the regular education classroom


    In order to receive gifted services, students must meet the criteria for gifted set by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and OASD.  Testing by a school psychologist is required to determine eligibility.  Please contact your child’s teacher, guidance counselor, or school principal to request testing.

    For more information about ATP and the grade level activities, please visit www.oxfordasd.org/Domain/679 .