- Hopewell Elementary School
- Overview
Sponsor: Dr. Addis (naddis@oxfordasd.org)
What is EarlyAct?
A school-wide and local service club for elementary school students. It is sponsored by the local Oxford Rotary Club. The mission and operation of Early Act are closely linked to the ideals of Rotary and provides the foundation and natural succession into the Interact Club which is currently at the Oxford Area High School. Early Act provides young students the opportunity for gaining an increased awareness and knowledge of their community and the world. The club promotes understanding and the building of friendships among the club members. The members will participate in three activities related to the school, community, and world. Objectives for this club include: developing citizenship and leadership as well as recognizing the importance of respect, dignity, and compassion for all people.
In recent school years, EarlyAct has engaged in a variety of activities, such as:
- Sponsoring the Hopewell Holiday Shop, with the proceeds benefitting Oxford Neighborhood Services
- Collecting Jam/Jelly for the Divine Sent Food Cupboard on Barnsley Road, Oxford