• Mr. Robert Miller

    Course Overview: Eighth grade Social Studies provides a comprehensive course in which students will be exposed to the following historical events: The Early Republic, The Age of Jackson, Westward Expansion, Society and Culture before the Civil War, Sectionalism, The Civil War, Reconstruction, Industrial and Economic Growth, and The Progressive Era.


    Assignments: Students can expect to have 1 weekly homework assignment that will vary in length due Fridays. Homework is to reinforce the information that is covered in class, and will help them to retain the material. All assignments are posted on Microsoft Teams.


    Attendance: It is important that students attend class in order to be successful with the material we are covering. Assignments that are not completed within a reasonable time (one day for each day they are absent) will affect their grade. If they miss the day of a test, quiz, or a deadline for a project students will take it or turn it in the day they return (some exceptions for extended illness). If your child is sick, please call the office (6109326615) to request their work. By doing this, your child will not fall behind or have assignments to complete when they return, along with the normal school work.  All assignments are always posted in Teams.


    Testing: Chapter tests will be announced as soon as the test date is known, at least a week in advance.



    70 % Performance Assessments 

    20 % Formative Assessments 

    10% Homework 


    IPads: This year, students will each have their own iPad.  They will be required to bring it  to school each day and home each night to be charged.  Please know that iPads are for INSTRUCTIONAL use only.  If a student is using an iPad inappropriately, the following system will be utilized.

    1. Warning
    2. Take iPad until end of class
    3. Repeat offenders will have IPad turned into the office and parent/ guardian contact.



    Bonus Core: Students will be working through the process of completing a research paper on a significant event/ figure in American History.


    Materials for class: Charged IPad , Agenda, Binder, Pen or pencil.


    If you have any questions or concerns about either the social studies or Bonus Core,  I can be reached through e-mail at robmiller@oxfordasd.org