• Elk Ridge Traffic Instructions

    NOTE: MORNING DROP-OFF and AFTERNOON PICK-UP procedures are different at Elk Ridge.  Please read below.


    Wickersham Road Entrance


    MORNING DROP -OFF : ALL CAR RIDERS are to be dropped off on the Wickersham Road Entrance side of Elk Ridge. This parent drop-off is ONE-WAY. We ask that you observe the following practices to keep our children safe:

         1. When approaching the drop-off area, please ensure that your children are prepared to exit your vehicle as soon as you stop.

         2. You can pull past the crosswalk to drop your children off.

         3. Stay in your vehicle and allow your children to exit from the passenger side directly onto the sidewalk and pull away.

         4. There are parking spaces available each morning in both parking lots. Please park if you need time with your child, or you want to walk them to the door or into school. If you do park, please walk your children across the traffic lane to the sidewalk to ensure their safety.

         5. Please do not make a second drop-off line through the rear of the parking lot.

         6. The 8:20 time seems most crowded. If you are able to drop off slightly later than 8:20, then the traffic is usually more manageable.

    DO NOT use the 8th and Broad St. bus lane/entrance as this creates a hazard during loading and unloading of students. Vehicles using the bus lane/entrance could be and have been ticketed by the borough police.

    AFTERNOON PICK-UP: ALL CAR-RIDERS are to be picked up on the Wickersham Road Entrance side of Elk Ridge. The parent pick-up is ONE WAY. Parents may park their vehicles at the curb or in the parking lots.  Parents will need a current picture I.D. for car-rider / walker pick-up.    As you approach the school / building, parents of first-graders form a line on the right and parents of second-graders form a line on the left.  Car-riders and walkers are dismissed from classrooms at 3:15 P.M. IMPORTANT: DUE TO THE NUMBER OF STUDENTS AND AVAILABLE STAFF, AFTERNOON PICKUP IS DIFFERENT FROM JORDAN BANK (KINDERGARTEN).  STUDENTS ARE RELEASED TO PARENTS AND ARE NOT RELEASED TO VEHICLES.


    8th and Broad Street Entrance

    Please DO NOT attempt to drop off or pick up your child during arrival/dismissal time using the 8th and Broad St. entrance. This entrance is reserved solely for students using bus transportation or those students walking to school. Our buses rotate through all the elementary schools. Even though the 8th and Broad St. entrance may look empty during the 8:00-8:40 and 3:00-3:40 times, a large number of buses will quickly fill this entrance, blocking vehicles' ability to leave. Several accidents have occurred when vehicles used this entrance during arrival and dismissal times and drivers have been cited by the police. Again, please only use the Wickersham Road entrance for car riders.