Phone: 610-932-6670


Degrees and Certifications:

Early Childhood Education Special Education Curriculum and Instruction

Miss Jenna Lininger

Welcome to my page!  I am Miss Lininger.

I am a first grade teacher and have been teaching first grade since 2014.  I have also taught within Autistic Support, Life Skills, and Learning Support classrooms.  I graduated from Millersville University with a dual-certification in Early Childhood Education and Special Education in the winter of 2013.  A few years later, I completed a Master's program in February 2019 at American College of Education where I  earned my degree in Curriculum and Instruction.  

When people ask me what I love about first grade, I say, "There is never a dull moment!"  I appreciate my first graders always keeping me on my toes and starting each day with a new outlook.  I want to give the same feeling to my students in return; have them come to school excited about learning.  It is my mission to create a fun, safe, and comfortable environment for students to learn and grow.