• Attendance Information

    A strong correlation exists between school attendance and school success. Regular attendance is necessary to derive the maximum benefit from the student's educational program. In order to take advantage of the opportuni­ties and experiences that are planned, your child should be in attendance every day. However, some absences are necessary, and arrangements must be made with the school for the child to make up missed work. In case of prolonged absences, the parent should contact the school for homebound instruction.


    Excuse for Absence

    School Board Policy 5150 states that it shall be the duty of each school principal to vigorously enforce and strictly interpret the compulsory attendance laws as stated in the Pennsylvania School Code.

    Every day that a student is absent or tardy MUST be explained by a written note, email or fax from the student’s parent or guardian. Absences of three (3) consecutive days will require a note from a physician. Principals have the authority to require a written excuse from a physician in any case as deemed necessary. Failure to produce a required excuse within three (3) school days from the student’s return to school shall cause an absence or tardy to be considered “unlawful.” Unlawful tardies and early dismissals will be combined into one (1) unlawful absence when 120 minutes have accumulated. 

    If a student is denied school transportation for disciplinary reasons, the compulsory attendance laws still apply. Students who are absent because transportation is not provided shall be considered unlawfully absent.

    Absences and tardies are classified as excused (lawful) for temporary periods for:

    • A bona fide religious holiday

    • Tutorial work in a field not offered in the district’s curricula

    • To obtain non-school professional health care

    • Illness or other urgent reasons such as funerals

    • Educational Activity (See also policy 5160)

    • Students receiving homebound instruction are counted as present

    If your child is sick or going to be late, please let your child’s elementary school know by 9:00 am. If your child is marked absent or tardy a phone call will be made via computer to the parents/guardians. These processes provides additional safety and security for the children. 

    IMPORTANT NOTE: A maximum of ten days of cumulative lawful absences, verified by parental notification, may be permitted during a school year (as specified in Pennsylvania School BEC 24 P.S. 13-1327). All absences and tardiness beyond ten cumulative days require an excuse note from a physician.

    Unlawful Absences

    Parents will receive notices of unlawful absences in the mail. A parent conference will be required after the issuance of a second unlawful absence. Parents of students accumulating four unlawful absences will be prosecuted as provided in the School Code of Pennsylvania.

    Anticipated Educational Absences

    In cases where parents schedule educational trips during the school year, the parent should complete the Student Request for Absence (on the website) at least one week in advance of their planned departure. Students will be expected to make-up all school work during this absence. Parents are discouraged from scheduling family vacations during the 182 days that students attend school. It is very difficult for students to make-up work over an extended period of time. 

    Early Dismissals

    1. Students are not to be picked up early or arrive late on a regular basis. Early dismissals and late arrivals should be reserved for unusual circumstances only. If a student is to be picked up before the end of the school day, a note from the parents/guardians stating the reason for the early dismissal and the name of the person picking up must be submitted. The note must be given to the homeroom teacher. Parents/guardians/person picking up must sign out the student in the main office. Students will be called to the office for early dismissal once they have been signed out.

    2. No child will be permitted to leave school with persons other than his/her parents, or designated emergency contacts, unless a written statement regarding the authorization for an alternate caregiver is received from the parents and is approved by the office.

    3. Only parents/guardians have the authority to change a child’s transportation or dismissal time. If a note from a parent/guardian is sent in for a child to be a car-rider with a designated person picking up; the child is to be picked up at 3:10, regular dismissal time. The designated person does not have the authority to change the pickup time on their own.

    Important Note: The best procedure resulting in the least amount of errors or issues is to always send a note. If you email the teacher directly please do this in addition to the note. If you only email the teacher please remember that some emails are not delivered instantly and at times teachers are unable to check their email late in the day.