• Penn’s Grove Physical Education Syllabus

    Course Emphasis:  Students will develop and learn a better understanding of the importance of physical activity in their everyday life.

    Course Objective:  Students will learn the importance of an active lifestyle while developing their skills and physical abilities in various games and activities.  The students will learn the difference between good sportsmanship and unsportsmanlike conduct throughout the year.

    Assessments:  Teacher observation, self-check, peer assessment, and oral question and answers.

    Locker Room: Students can use a locker and bring their own lock to hold necessary belongings for PE.  The PE teacher must be given a copy of the key or given the combination.  When changing is the only time lockers should be unlocked.  Each student is responsible for their own valuables and should be locked up in their locker during physical education class.   Remember if you use a lock, you must let Mr. Grandinetti or Mrs. Irwin know what locker number and give them your combination.  The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.  Lockers are property of the district and could be subject to search.   NO PHONES ARE ALLOWED IN THE LOCKER ROOM!

    Dress code:  All students are expected to come prepared for physical education class and must participate.   Acceptable athletic clothing include:  shorts or sweatpants and t-shirts or sweatshirts.  Sneakers must be worn with laces tied.   Jeans and street clothes will not be accepted.  Students who do not appropriately dress for class will have points deducted from daily grade.  Also, all jewelry must be removed when it’s a safety hazard. 

    Participation:  Students are expected to be engaged and give their best effort during all activities. 

    Medical:  Students who are excused from physical education due to a health concern must bring a note from the doctor to the health room.  Modified or limited participation is required of all students who do not have a doctor’s excuse.   The school nurse or a school administrator may excuse a student from PE otherwise a doctor’s note is required.  A note from a parent can excuse a student from class for one day.  Should the illness or injury be serious enough to require a lengthier excuse, a doctor’s note is required.  Any questions or concerns regarding this issue please contact the school nurse at (610) 932-6617 between the hours of 7:30 A.M. and 3:00 P.M.

    Warm up:  When students exit the locker room, they will begin their warm up routine.  The warm up will consist of a variety of exercises.  Students can chose between jogging around the gym, jumping rope, or exercises that include pushups, crunches, and extra stretching on the mats.  When music stops, students should report to their squads for attendance and instruction. 

    Activities:  Basketball, cooperative games, fitness, floor hockey, football, lacrosse, nitro ball, pickle ball, soccer, tennis, volleyball, and more…..

    Grading:  All students are graded in PE class on a 12 point scale each day.  4 points are earned for participation, 4 points for preparation, and 4 points for cooperation/behavior.  Grades will be submitted each day and available for viewing on Powerschool.  Health assignments/projects will vary in points based on the lesson.