• Welcome to Mrs. McDonald’s Classes.

    Students can find specific course information and assignments by logging into their Blackboard account. 

    LITERACY SEMINAR (grades 9-12)

    Credit: 1.0

    This course is designed to meet the individual needs of each student. Students will be working on targeted skills that need remediation, with specific focus on comprehension, vocabulary development, written response to reading, fluency, and motivating reluctant readers. The course will provide individualized instruction and flexible grouping. Students will be challenged to set and reach their literacy goals. This course will include Wilson and SRA for students in need of this type of programming.

    • Placement will be based on multiple criteria: formative assessment, diagnostic placement assessment, academic performance, and

    IEP team recommendation

    • HS reading is at the basic or below basic grade reading level

    • Direct explicit instruction will be provided in reading comprehension and decoding skills

     Prerequisite: Algebra 1 at least concurrently

    TRANSITIONS II (grade 10)

    Credit: 1.0

    This course is designed to foster a strong personal understanding of individual academic and social strengths and areas of growth. Students will learn and apply skills to use in self-awareness, advocacy in school and the workplace, communication, understanding IEPs, enthusiasm in school and the workplace, as well as an introductory look into choosing the best career options for post-graduation. Students will have the opportunity for self- reflection and evaluation to best enhance their skills for both school and post-graduation.

    Prerequisite: IEP