• 8th Grade Science Exploration/MTSS

    This year, I will be focusing on environmental and wildlife-related topics and issues on certain days during MTSS time.  


    Step 1: Arrive to class ON TIME with a positive attitude
    Step 2:BE PREPARED

    • Science binder, book, and IPAD

    Step 3:Respect your classmates

    • Communicate in a Positive way
    • Allow others to focus in class

    Step 4:Respect your teacher

    • Listen attentively
    • Raise your hand for permission to speak
    • Participate and Follow directions

    Step 5:Respect yourself

    • Complete assignments
    • Focus in class
    • Prepare for tests/quizzes
    • Have confidence in yourself


    MTSS (Multi tiered Support System)

    • Exact paths content practice
    • Diagnostic testing
    • Pride Lessons
    • Time for guidance related topic discussion

    Science Exploration Course Topics:

    1. Wildlife, adaptations, conservation issues, and environmental policy concerning those organisms.
    2. Science current events with a focus on conservation
    3. Various labs and hands on activities


    Grading will be based on a points system. Assignments will have different points allocated to them based on difficulty and content matter. Students are expected to regularly check their grades online to keep track of their work and assignments. Parents are encouraged to view their child’s progress online as well.
    Homework will be assigned regularly. It is the expectation that it is done neatly, conscientiously, and thoroughly. It will be checked or collected and graded on completeness and effort. Please put your name, date, class period, and assignment title in the heading

    Tests and Quizzes:
    Test dates will be announced approximately one week in advance and the date will be posted on the board in the classroom. Quizzes may not have as much advanced notice, but they usually cover the material taught in the last week. If you are here the day before a test or quiz you are expected to take the quiz/test the next day unless you make other arrangements with me. Do not wait until the day of the test or quiz to ask questions. Find the opportunity to find me to ask questions either after class or during your free time.
    Missed Work:
    If a student misses class, it is their responsibility to find out what was missed, and in case of tests or quizzes, schedule a date to make it up. Work missed should be made up as soon as possible. Students are responsible for the material covered for that day and any homework that was given.

    Students: Stop by my room to ask any questions or to get help with the material at any time. Please set up a time with me before or after school if you need additional help.
    Parent(s)/Guardian(s):The best way to reach me is through email. I will do my best to respond as quickly as possible and address any questions or concerns you have. Please feel free to contact me with anything that you feel is important to you or your student so that I can assist in any way possible.