Grading Rubric for all activities and skills:
1- Area of Concern 2- Approaching 3- Meeting 4- Exceeding
All students will be assessed informally and formally multiple times per year.
Description of Rubric: 1- Area of Concern: Student is unsuccessful with guidance. 2- Approaching: Student is successful with guidance. 3- Meeting: Student is independently successful. 4- Exceeding: Student exceeds grade level expectations.
Many 1st grade students are developing their gross motor skills which is a 2 on the new report card. With practice they will begin to master these skills independently, which is a 3.
Example: Underhand toss and catch with teacher
1st Grade 4 - Student uses the correct technique tossing and catching the ball and is consistently successful. The student will toss with both the dominate and non-dominate hand.
3 - Student uses the correct technique tossing and catching the ball and is consistently successful.
2 - Student needs to be reminded of the correct technique for tossing and catching. Teacher is giving constant cues and student is successful with teachers help.
1 - Student needs to be reminded of the correct technique for tossing and catching. Teacher is giving constant cues and the student is not successful with the teachers help. |