• Music Grades

    Your child's marking period grade is based on class participation. Their participation will be averaged each quarter. They will receive a grade for each music skill, but it will not count towards their quarter grade. 

    4 | Exceeding: Student participates in all activities, usually as a class leader; and one or more of the following:
         a.) Student spontaneously demonstrates expected skill
         b.) Student needs no teacher assistance to be successful
         c.) student can assist other students when practicing a skill

    3 | Meeting/Proficient: Student participates in most/all activities; and one of more of the following:
         a.) student is successful in attempt when asked
         b.) student only requires slight teacher assistance to be successful 

    2 | Approaching/Needs Improvement: Student participates in some activities, or only their preferred activities. Student may cause disruptions to class; and one of more of the following:
         a.) student makes an attempt, but is unsuccessful
         b.) student is only successful with direct teacher assistance

    1 | Area of Concern: Student refuses to participate in all activities, causes repeated disruptions to the class, or disregards safety rules that may result in themselves or someone else getting hurt; and one or more of the following:
         a.) student makes no attempt/refusal
         b.) student's attempt disregards all teacher expectations
         c.) student's attempt disregards the expected safety of the classroom setting.


    If your student earns a 1 for any of these reasons, information will be available on PowerSchool. In some cases, I may reach out to the parent directly. 


    Questions or Concerns?

    Send me an email at kkurtz@oxfordasd.org