- Elk Ridge Elementary School
- Parent Handbook A to Z
A- Absences- District policy states that you must provide an absence note to the office whenever your child does not attend school.
Adults- We will have many different adults working in our classroom with students at various times. We are so lucky to have such wonderful helpers!
B- Bee Tickets- Students have the opportunity to earn Bee Tickets when they are exhibiting appropriate school behavior or are caught doing something extra special. Bee tickets are collected throughout the month and one student is selected at the end of the month for a special prize.
Behavior- Students are expected to be on their best behavior every day. There will be rewards or consequences based on extreme behaviors.
Breakfast- Students may go to the cafeteria to have breakfast in the morning when they arrive at school.
Backpacks- Please check your child's backpacks at least once a week. Please check for notes and/or food that may need to be cleaned out.
Birthdays- I am more than happy to celebrate your child's birthday with the class. This year, there will be NO BIRTHDAY SNACKS in the classrooms at Elk Ridge. There are lots of other ways that your child can celebrate their birthday with the class. Contact me if you have an idea for your child.
C- Conferences- Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held in November and February. At that time, we will be able to discuss your child's accomplishments and progress. Please feel free to use that time to talk with me about any major concerns that you have about your child and their learning process.
D- Dismissal- If your child will be going home different from their usual way, you MUST notify me. If I do not have a note, I will send your child home their regular way. Please let your child know if you are including a note in their folder so that they know to give it to me in the morning. Often times, if the child is not aware that you have put a note in their folder, then I don't receive it at all and it causes confusion at the end of the day.
E- Early Dismissal- If you will be picking your child up early, please let me know so that I can have them ready when you arrive. Remember that there is a lot of important learning happening all day, please try to schedule appointments after school hours.
E-mail- You can contact me anytime through my school e-mail which is: cmichael@oxfordasd.org. I try to check my e-mail many times during the day. I do also try to check it during the weekend. Please contact me with your questions and concerns. If you need to contact me urgently, please call the school office at (610) 932-6670.
Emergency Drills- Several types of drills are practiced throughout the year. We will practice fire, tornado and intruder drills. Students will be expected to participate in these drills and behave accordingly. Please talk with your child if they have any concerns after we practice these drills.
F- Family- YOU are your child's first and most important teacher. Please talk with your child every day about their day at school.
G- Guidance- Our guidance counselor this year will be Ms. Dillard. She will visit our class sometimes to teach lessons to our class. Students will also be allowed to request to visit her office if they have an issue that they need to talk about.
Gym- We will have Gym at least once in each four-day cycle. You will know ahead of time when your child will have Gym. Students are required to wear sneakers for Gym. It is advised that girls do not wear skirts or dresses on Gym days.
H- Homework- Homework will be given four nights a week. I expect that homework will be done in pencil and returned on time. Parents should check homework and assist their students when necessary. If there's a problem, please let me know how I can help. I also understand that circumstances come up in life that are unavoidable. I will give each family 4 "Parent Homework Passes" for those nights when homework is the LAST thing that you want to deal with!
Health Issues- Please keep me informed of any health issues that your child may have. The more you communicate with me, the better I can help your child be comfortable in our classroom.
Holidays- We will be learning about many holidays during the year. Please let me know if there is a special holiday that is celebrated in your family that we can learn more about.
I- Illness- When your student is not feeling well, please keep them at home. It is important that your child feels their best every day at school. We also do not want to get other classmates sick. If there is a sibling or neighbor who can bring home their work, please let me know which classroom they are in and I will do my best to get any important papers to them to bring home.
Independence- Second grade is a very important year for your child to gain a lot of independence and to begin acting and thinking for themselves. The best way that you can help is by supporting your child and allowing them to try new things.
J- Jobs- Every student in our class will have a classroom job to help keep our classroom running smoothly. Class jobs will change throughout the year.
K- Kindness- Your child will be expected to treat everyone with kindness and respect.
L- Lunch- Students may bring their lunch, or purchase lunch in the cafeteria. Every month, you can find the lunch menu on the district website.
Lunchboxes- Please clean/wipe out your child's lunchbox weekly. We do not want to invite bugs into our classroom.
Library- Your student will be able to borrow books from the school library each time that they visit. Please make sure that your student returns their books promptly so that they may select new books to enjoy.
Lost & Found- If your child has lost something, have them ask me to visit the Lost & Found. If you label sweatshirts, coats and lunchboxes with their name, we can avoid making those trips!
M- Money- If you need to send money to school for any reason, please put it in an envelope with your child's name, room number and the purpose for the money written on it.
Music- Our class will go to Music once every four days. Our wonderful music teacher is Miss Kurtz.
N- Notes- Students are to put notes from home or permission slips in the "Notes for Mrs. Michael" basket when they unpack in the morning. This is a different place from where their homework is turned in. It is part of their morning routine to check their folder for notes to hand to me. Please let your child know when you have put a note for me in their folder.
Nurse- Our school nurse is Mrs. Willis. Please make sure that she always has updated contact phone numbers in the event of an emergency. Any medication that your chlld needs during the school day MUST be kept in the nurse's office; including cough drops.
O- Organization- Organization is a very important skill that your child will practice this year. Please help them by checking their folder every day and cleaning out any papers that can stay at home, as well as promptly returning any papers that need to be filled out with information.
P- Photographs- During the year, your child may be photographed for various school and classroom events. If you wish for your child to not be photographed, please let me know as soon as possible.
Practice- Practice makes perfect!!!! Try to find ways to creatively practice math facts, counting money, telling time, spelling and many other skills that we'll learn this year.
Q- Questions??- If you have questions or concerns at any time, please feel free to call, send a note, or contact me via e-mail.
R- Recess- Please do not allow your child to bring toys from home for recess. There are plenty of things for them to play with and it often causes problems when they toys are broken or lost. Please also dress your child in layers depending on the weather. In the winter time, it is advised that your child has gloves and a hat.
Report Cards- Grades will be available through the Parent Portal. Each parent will be given a separate username and password to access their child's grades. We will have conferences before the grades are available so that we may address any concerns at that time.
Restrooms- Restrooms are located down the hall. Students must ask to use the bathroom before they leave the classroom. Students are expected to behave appropriately and return to the classroom promptly. Please make me aware of any medical issues that may require frequent trips to the restroom.
Rewards- To encourage good behavior and responsibility, students will earn class prizes and privileges when they show good behavior and effort.
S- Scholastic Book Orders- Every few weeks or so, I will be sending home Scholastic Books order forms. I encourage you to purchase some books or games for your students. You can either send money to school with the order form, or you can purchase the books online before the due date using your credit card. Either way, our class gets bonus points and free items when you purchase items. I appreciate you supporting your child's love of reading!!
Snack- Students are permitted to have a healthy snack at the end of the day as we pack up for dismissal.
Star of the Week- Each child will be selected as the Star of the Week during the year. When it is your child's turn, you will receive a note outlining what they will need to bring in each day. On the Friday before their week, your child will bring home a poster to fill out and color over the weekend. On Monday, they will bring in their poster to share with the class. On Tuesday, they will bring in 10 items for Show and Tell. On Wednesday, they will bring in their favorite book and either they or I will read it to the class. On Thursday, they will bring in their favorite stuffed animal to keep at their desk for the day. On Friday, they will get a homework pass to use in the future.
Supplies- Please check with your child occasionally to see if they need to replenish any of their supplies such as pencils or erasers. Also, at different times during the year, I will be asking parents to send in some supplies that the class will need for projects such as empty paper towel rolls, empty juice cartons, large empty tissue boxes, and foam egg cartons. Please label your child's things with their name.
T- Tardies- The students may enter the classroom beginning at 8:20 AM. After 8:40, if your child has not checked in to the classroom, they will be considered tardy. Excessive tardies will be handled by the office as per district policies. I cannot stress enough the importance of getting to school on time so that your child can start their day off right.
U- Unique- Every child in our class is special and unique. I will do everything I can to celebrate our similarities and differences.
V- Visitors- Visitors to Elk Ridge School must sign in at the office and obtain a visitors badge. Even if we are expecting you!
Volunteering- I encourage all parents to volunteer in both classroom and school events. Please consider joining the PTO for our school so that you can keep up with all of the activities.
W-Website- Please check this website frequently so that you are aware of important and exciting things going on in our classroom.
Wipes- We always have a need for antibacterial wipes. Most Fridays, the students will clean out their desks and wipe them down to help control the spread of germs. It always makes me laugh how much they LOVE to clean!!
X, Y and Z's- I am eXcited to work with You and Your child this year! Please make sure that they get plenty of ZZZZZ's every night so that they are ready for all of the exciting things I have planned for us this year!