Guidance/School Counseling
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- OAHS School Counseling Department!
Guidance Department
Welcome to Oxford Area High School Counseling Home Page!
PHONE: 610-932-6646 / FAX: 610-932-2073
Follow us on Twitter @OahsC
“It is today we must create the world of the future” Eleanor Roosevelt
School Counseling Mission Statement: In accordance with the Oxford Area School District mission, vision, core beliefs, and commitments, the purpose of the comprehensive school counseling program is to empower all students to reach their ultimate potential in the area of academic, career, personal and social development. As student advocates, the Oxford Area School District Counselors are committed to understanding uniqueness, multicultural diversity, and the maximum development of human potential of each individual. We support the student throughout his/her educational career so that each individual will be equipped with the personal resources necessary to function and contribute in a changing society.Department Members Mrs. Stacey Lock* Last names A-De Mrs. Jennifer Williams Last names Di-Ha and Early College Academy students Mrs. Kathryn Rappold Last names He-Me
Ms. Amanda Cleveland Last names Mi- Sa Mrs. Mary Humphreys Last names Sc-Z Ms. Hannah Sarafinas Hornet Virtual Academy Mrs. Maria Auch Guidance Secretary *Department Chairperson
Schedule a Meeting Via Bookings
The counselors now use Teams Booking to set up meetings. Students and parents can use the links below to schedule a meeting with their counselor.
Mrs. Stacey Lock:
Mrs. Jennifer Williams:
Mrs. Kathryn Rappold:
Ms. Amanda Cleveland:
Mrs. Mary Humphreys:

Sometimes we just need a little reminder