Types of Military Service

  • The U.S. Military consists of six active-duty Service branches and their respective Guard and Reserve components. Together, they offer a broad variety of ways to serve. 


    Air Force Junior ROTC Program-  Oxford Area High School has partnered with Coatesville Area School District and the Air Force to allow Oxford students to participate in the Air Force Junior ROTC Program.



    1. Learn About the Military: Find out military basics: what they do, where they go, and who they are.
    2. Decide if you’re ready: Get a handle on the basics of joining: eligibility, benefits information, and branch missions.
    3. Choose the right path: Find the best point of entry for you: compare services, consider guard and reserve services, compare enlisted vs. officer, and look at your job choices.
    4. Meet the recruiter: How do you handle meeting recruiters? Find out questions and answers, secrets to visiting a recruiter, documents you'll need, incentives and more.
    5. Take the ASVAB: If you will be enlisting, you need to ace the ASVAB! OAHS offers the exam in the spring.  Check with your counselor if interested in signing up.
    6. Get the best job: You want to join - now make sure you will be doing what you like! Find an interest matcher, tips on finding the right job, and overviews of all jobs in each branch here.
    7. Complete the process: Let your recruiter take out the fear and confusion about the entire process: find out about medical conditions, waivers, how to handle legal problems, and more.
    8. Raise your right hand: Your about to swear in: find out about the oaths you'll take, the general orders you need to learn, military ranks, and more.
    9. Get ready for boot camp: Are you ready to be challenged? Get the skinny on how to prepare yourself mentally and physically.
    10. You’re in! Make the most of it: What happens after boot camp? How do you make a success of yourself? Find out tips and get advice from those who have been there. 



    In preparation for the ASVAB, try the below listed websites and/or apps!