• If you are a previous student who needs their transcript, please contact the Guidance Secretary, Maria Auch, at mauch@oxfordasd.org with the following information:

    • Full name of student - at the time you attended OAHS
    • Date of Birth
    • Year of Graduation
    • Your current phone and email 
    • Where you would like the transcript sent.  (Note: most institutions/schools prefer that we send the transcripts directly to them).
    • Please allow up to 2 weeks for processing. 

    Couple of additional notes

    • If you need Special Education records from the time you attended OAHS, please contact our Special Education Department at 610-932-6696.  These records are only kept for 7 years past the student's graduation date and are not kept at the High School.
    • We do not have or supply copies of diplomas; only transcripts.  If you are in need of an actual diploma, please contact the Principal's Secretary at 610-932-6642.  She can put you in touch with an outside agency who can assist you at an additional charge.
    • Students (over the age of 18) must request information for themselves; information will not be given at parent's request.